A Man Worth Remembering 

The rodeo and Sutton County Days are the happiest days here in my town. I personally had a grand time. I’m going to tell you about my favorite part…. Saddle up!!!

   As my cousins and I were walking around on Friday evening, I noticed something that caught my eye– a simple moment that I’ll never forget. It was like an angel had came down from Heaven and wiped away all the negativity for a long while. A little old man gave away free toys to two small children that looked like they were around 3 years old. The stuffed animals were almost as big as they were. I can’t say I’ve ever seen happier children. They probably thought it was Christmas! I immediately knew this man was special. 

   After the parade on Saturday (yesterday), I saw the man again whenever my cousin Laci wanted to play the game at his booth “Big Choice.” (A game where you shoot bottles and see which prize you will redeem. Also, it’s “shoot until you win” so clearly this man is a giving person). When we walked up to him the first thing I saw was his hat which read “Vietnam Veteran.” I’m certain there were alarms going off in my head telling me to thank him for his service so of course, I did.


   This veteran by the name of Harley Maple, was in a wheelchair. He started to talk to me but I could barely hear him over the blaring music that was playing not too far away. What I did hear took me by surprise and really made me cherish my life a tremendous amount more. Harley looked me in the eyes and told me that he was dying. My heart dropped. He wasn’t sad.. more determined than anything. His spirit rose. With a raised fist and a cheerful face he said, “if I make it to next month, I’m going to celebrate in Las Vegas.” I couldn’t help but smile. I could tell this man has lived a life worth living even if I had only talked to him for a good few minutes. [These are the kind of people we should be surrounded by.]

   After meeting him, my cousin and I went into care mode. We offered to give him anything he asked for which ended up being a cheeseburger, water and helping hands. Throughout the constant check ups, we chatted and laughed. I didn’t ask about the time he served our country because you just can’t jump into that but he talked about it anyways. The one story I heard loud and clear was about a dedicated young man he knew from Junction who passed away 3 days into his deployment. I stood there with open ears. It was like story time and I had the privilege of listening. He was a friendly man with some worthwhile memories.

   Harley ended up giving us free toys, too. We didn’t want to take them but he insisted that we did. I’m thankful to have met Mr. Maple because he encouraged me to never lose hope. I would’ve never known that a stranger could be so full of life and love. If you will, please pray for him. I don’t know where he’s headed but I do hope that he makes it longer than his goal of one month. 




Thank a veteran when you see one. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be here today. I can assure you that it’ll make them feel good but it’ll make you feel better. 

Get to Know Me

20 facts:

1. I give all glory to God, exactly where it belongs.

2. I am 4’10 but you shouldn’t underestimate what I can do.


3. The fire in my soul is lit and I’m going to use this burning fire to light up the world.


4. I have a desire to care for others and I’m willing to help you in any way that I can.


5. I may be the silliest girly girl you will ever know.


6. I’m a powerlifter and I could probably squat you. 😉


7. I tend to think out loud, then store my ideas on the closest pen and paper in sight.


8. I think you’re really awesome. Yes, you.

9. I’m a cheerleader and could perform in front of a huge audience but when you put me in front of people to talk… I might think about running away


10. I completely adore my God and His creations but never as much as He adores me and you as well.

11. I enjoy writing long, cute and mushy letters. 


12. I’m a lover of love.


13. I don’t hit dingers physically, but I might hit a home run in your heart throughout my blog.


14. I have so much respect and love for our troops. 


15. I have braces and I just got an expander in my mouth. I look/sound like a complete nerd. It’s kinda cool!

16. I have a strange but strong liking of advanced words. I’m adding a twist to my vocabulary!


17. I have a slight obsession with the Decker family. (Jessie James, Eric, Vivi & baby #2)


18. I dream unrealistic dreams because I won’t settle for mediocre thinking.


19. I have changed immensely within the past few years. And yes.. for the better, which is awesome.


20. I truly believe that I will change the world in some magical and amazing way.

There ya go. Xoxo


Hello world!

My purpose for this blog is simple. I plan on pouring out my greatest thoughts, dreams, desires and experiences to you. It’s gonna be awesome and it might even  make you never want to stop reading & that’s totally okay. Remember: I’m new to this blogging life so…. Hold on tight!! Xoxo

Lots of love,
